Finding Support for Life
After an injury, Kim Enck needed an extra hand with her husband's care. After utilizing Masonic Village Home Care, even once her injury healed, she found the assistance to be a life saver.
After an injury, Kim Enck needed an extra hand with her husband's care. After utilizing Masonic Village Home Care, even once her injury healed, she found the assistance to be a life saver.
When George and Angie Kohlweiler needed some extra assistance in their daily routine, they found the right services and right people at Masonic Village Home Care.
Life is full of changes and new beginnings: starting school or a new job, your first day as a married couple, becoming a new parent or grandparent, moving to a new home or downsizing to a simpler lifestyle.
Choosing a home care service provider can be an overwhelming process, and there are often many options to choose from. “The goal of home care is to keep individuals thriving in the comfort of their own home with the support necessary to remain independent while honoring their dignity,” Kathleen Noll, Masonic Village Home Care manager, said.
There are certain steps you can take if you want to manage these feelings of guilt and be able to allow other caregivers to take over for a night. Below are four steps that will help you examine your feelings of guilt and resolve them in a healthy way.
Socialization is essential for those of every age, but particularly those who are already retired or approaching retirement.
It can be hard to watch a loved one lose their independence. Whether they’re recovering from a hospitalization or just experiencing an overall decline in mobility, your loved one can still remain as self-sufficient as possible with your help.
While caregiving is rewarding, it is physically and emotionally exhausting. Your own needs tend to take a back seat to everyone else’s.
Living independently as you endure health issues or grow older can become an increasing challenge; however, there are several ways to increase your chances of remaining in your home for as long as possible.